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PixAround FVG 2022: selected photographers, cover and best authors

13 September 2022
Open Call fotografica FVG

We are working on curatorship and design of the collective photographic volumes that we will present at the end of October at the Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival.

With great pleasure, today we unveil the 75 photographers (out of over 120 who participated in the open call) officially selected for the second volume of the PixAround FVG series.

Uscite fotografiche open call friuli venezia giulia
Foto: Valentina Sassonia

PixAround FVG 2022 will contain photos and projects that cast an original look at the daily life of the region and capture real moments, instants, glimpses, faces in the background of the countless beauties of Friuli Venezia Giulia with an artistic eye: from the city squares to the alleys of towns and villages. , passing through castles, abbeys, popular districts, industrial areas and unusual places.

The volume, which will be presented during the opening weekend of the Trieste Photo Days festival, will include special focuses on Italian towns Gorizia and CormonsPalmanovaMuggia and Spilimbergo, cities that hosted the “24 HOURS of Photography” this summer: outdoor group photographic shootings promoted in collaboration with local photographic circles.

We also announce the best authors of the book, selected by the editors of Exhibit Around APS.

  • Best Author: Francesco Paul Antonio Parillaud
  • Honorable Mention: Enzo Galbato
  • Honorable Mention: Francesca Codogno
  • Honorable Mention: Tullio Andrea Sivilotti
  • Honorable Mention: Valentina Sassonia

A selection of the best photos is exhibited at the Sala Civica in Cormons and at Trieste Airport, and, soon, at the Polveriera Napoleonica in Palmanova and at the Sala Xenia of Trieste Photo Days.

PRE-ORDERS OPEN! Anyone wishing to purchase a copy of the book can do so at this link. The book will be officially released in November. It is possible to pick up the book for free directly at the festival’s info point (Sala Xenia, Riva 3 Novembre corner via Mazzini) from 28 to 30 October 2022, or choose the shipment (which will take place in November in any case).

The authors in the book: Alba Basezzi, Alessandro Astone, Alvio Massari, Andrea Chenich, Andrea Toros, Annaluigia Soleti, Antonino Clemenza, Aran Cosentino, Beatrice Ius, Cinzia Leghissa, Claudia Alberti, Claudio Ziani, Cristina Achucarro, Danijela Cvejic, Dario Buttazzoni, Diocletian Galella, Emiliano Chicco Stern, Enzo Galbato, Ester Pertegato, Fabiana Marchioro, Fabrizio Degrassi, Federica Fadel, Federico Mondini, Francesca Codogno, Francesca Fermeglia, Francesco Paul Antonio Parillaud, Francesco Pauli, Franco Gardiman, Gabriele Pala, Gian Piero Deotto, Gino Menis, Giovanna Lunazzi, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Gloria Bergagnini, Immacolata Giordano, Laura Zanetti, Lia Taddei, Mara Zanette, Maria Kremneva, Maria Zambon, Marina Tosolini, Martina Fulizio, Matteo Faliero, Maurizio Sartoretto, Nicola Bardi, Nicola Fasolato, Nino Gaudenzi, Orietta Masala, Oscar Costantini, Paola Lupi, Paolo Parussini, Paolo Stokovac, Patrizia Chiarparin, Paul Montagnon, Pino / Gi useppe Ribaudo, Renato Battigelli, Renzo Schiratti, Riccardo Moretti, Roberto Di Ottavio, Romano Ovan, Rudi Minigutti, Samantha Degrassi, Sandro Vicedomini, Silvia Stefanutti, Simonetta Rossetti, Stefania Grasso, Stefano Ambroset, Stefano Meroi, Tullio Andrea Sivilotti, Umberto Cenedese, Valentina Ambrosi, Valentina Saxony, Vittorio D’Angelo.

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