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Chromantic News Open Call

Chromantic: Best Author and Honorable Mentions

28 July 2020

Waiting for the Chromantic book to be ready (we are working on it and we can’t wait to present it at Trieste Photo Days!), we are announcing the Best Author and the Honorable Mentions chosen by the staff of Exhibit Around among the 169 selected photographers for the project.

  • Best Author » Enzo Crispino (Italy)
  • Honorable Mention » Adrian Wojtas (Poland)
  • Honorable Mention » Andrea Bettancini (Italy)
  • Honorable Mention » Cosimo Manlio De Pasquale (Italy)
  • Honorable Mention » Sergio Ferreira Ruiz (Spain)
  • Honorable Mention » Roberto Malagoli (Italy)

The winning authors will receive a medal on the occasion of the presentation of Chromantic‘s photographic volume on Saturday 24 October 2020 as part of Trieste Photo Days. The Best Author will also have a 3-night free stay in Trieste.

Get a sneak peek of their photos that you will find in the book.

Best Author – Enzo Crispino

Enzo Crispino is an Italian photographer born in Frattamaggiore (Naples) in 1964, who lives in the province of Reggio Emilia. He has been selected as a photographer by Vogue Italia and by the Art + Commerce agency in New York, invited since 2015 to be part of the American agency for Freelance Blink photographers in New York. His project in Chromantic‘s book, Eight Hours, has thrilled us for its style, consistency and atmosphere. A work inspired by two considerations; relocation abroad and the search continues of automation of the production phases in industry, which has had important repercussions on busy workers, eliminating or reducing their role.

Chromantic authors

Adrian Wojtas
Alberto Campello
Alberto Mesirca
Aleksandr Gorban
Alessandra Antonini
Alessandro Idini
Alessia Santambrogio
Alexandre Chaym
Alfons Cabrera
Allan Syphers
Ana Vodusek
Andrea Bettancini
Andrea Maini
Andrea Rossi
Andrea Scirè
Anil Purohit
Antoine Buttafoghi
Antonella Pellegrino
Antonino Clemenza
Arianna Todisco
Augusto Barbieri
Barry Gilbert-Miguet
Beppe Castellani
Betty Press
Birgit Lu Mazen
Carla Cosenza Mormile
Carlo Silva
Carlos Queiroz
Cate Franklyn
Chiara Conti
Cinzia Leghissa
Cinzia Stecca
Clementine Smart
Clive Eariss
Corrado Enea Crevatin
Cosimo Manlio De Pasquale
Cristina Embil
Cristina Ferri
Dan Fenstermacher
Daniela Bartolomeoli
Daniela Figna
Daniele Faverzani
Daniele Ficarelli

Dean Forbes
Domenico Ianaro
Dorina Scandurra
Ed Fetahovic
Emanuela Zini
Emanuele Genovese
Emanuele Vincenzi
Emiliano Beltrame
Emiliano Pinnizzotto
Enrica Ridolfi
Enrico Mika Crevatin
Enzo Crispino
Fabrizio Svetina
Farzane Keshavarz
Federica Paoletti
Francesca Codogno
Francesca Di Ciaula
Francesca Pompei
Francesco D’Alonzo
Francesco Falciola
Gábor Hegyi-Kovács
Gabriela Griggs
Gabriele Fiolo
Georg Worecki
Gerhard Wagner
Giancarlo Rupolo
Gianni Olivetti
Giorgio De Zan
Giovanni Ferioli
Giulia Dari
Giuliana Mariniello
Giuseppe Benincasa
Gloria Galovic
Guido Argenta
Harry Giglio
Henning S. Pettersen
Hieronymus Grabstein
Hubert Michel
Immacolata Giordano
Irina Petrova
Jacek Salaga
James Abell
Jasmine Cattai Paladin

Jean Pierre Baud
Jeannette Muller
John Nordell
Juan Rodríguez Morales
Katarzyna Urbanek
Konrad Kloch
Laura Malaterra
Laura Pierangeli
Lello Fargione
Lora Gorodetsky
Lorella Frignani
Lorenzo Giaccone
Lorenzo Rondali
Luca Iacono
Luca Paccusse
Luciano Cannella
Luigi Franco Malizia
Maddalena Zotti
Majid Bazaei
Małgorzata Mikołajczyk
Marcello Mariella
Marco Bortoluzzi
Margherita Del Piero
Maria Cristina Cupin
Maria Grazia Castiglione
Maria Kremneva
Maristella Campolunghi
Marvin Villanueva
Massimiliano Macchia
Massimo Russo
Massimo Tabasso
Matteo Dalle Feste
Matteo Maurizio Mauro
Mattia Pasini
Maurizio Sartoretto
Max Sturgeon
Meletios Vasileiou
Michael Kofteros
Miloš Nejezchleb
Mimma Livini
Morena Pinto
Never Edit
Nicola Daddi

Oana Pughineanu
Oliver Gargan
Orietta Masala
Oscar Masi
Paola Bet
Patricia D. Richards
Patrizio Broggi
Pedro Venâncio
Peter Erickson
Philippe Sarfati
Pia Parolin
Pier Luigi Mariotti
Radu Patrascu
Ranu Jain
Renzo Donati
Riccardo Crevatin
Roberta Grubelli
Roberta Lodi
Roberto Malagoli
Scott R. McMaster
Selina Bressan
Sergio Ferreira Ruiz
Silvia Paulin
Sofia Erto
Stefano Agnello
Stefano Ciol
Stefano Salati
Susa Solero
Susanna De Vido
Swen Bernitz
Tania Barbagli
Teresa Bianchi
Tommaso Sacconi
Ulysses Aoki
Umberto Cenedese
Valentina Brunello
Waldemar Ostrowski
Ximena Echague
Yana Hryhorenko
Zbigniew Brzozowski

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