Open Calls for Entries - Photography Exhibitions and Photobooks

Cover of Mythography 3 photography open call
Ongoing Open Call

Mythography 3

Diana, Minerva and Ceres

The series of photographic volumes Mythography is back with its third volume. Edited by Professor Enrico Medda, Mythography 3 will be a third volume inspired by the divinities of the Greek-Latin pantheon Diana, Minerva and Ceres.

Deadline 30th April 2023

Cover of Mythography 3 photography open call

Mythography vol. III: Diana, Minerva and Ceres

Exhibit Around APS and dotART Cultural Association launch a new photographic open call on the occasion of the third volume of the Mythography publishing project.

The project

Mythography is a series of photographic volumes freely inspired by Greco-Roman mythology. Published annually, each volume is dedicated to a group of divinities who represent their themes.
Each volume corresponds to photographic exhibitions, meetings and special guests within the Trieste Photo Days international photography festival.
The third volume of Mythography will focus on the themes represented by the deities of the Greco-Latin pantheon Diana, Minerva and Ceres.

The theme

Diana, the goddess of the hunt, the moon and the forest. She will represent the themes of nature, animals, landscapes (man-made and not), generation and birth, lunar landscapes.
Minerva, warrior goddess and patroness of intelligence and the arts. She will represent arts and crafts, artisanship, weaving and garment making, products of human ingenuity, weapons and armies (no war reportages).
Finally Ceres, goddess of fertility and agriculture. She will represent the themes of agricultural life, men and animals, but also that of famine, death and rebirth of vegetation and otherworldly happiness.

For who is it for

To photographers from all over the world interested in submitting single photos , but also projects and portfolios freely inspired by the themes of the second volume.
Following a selection, the candidate photos could be exhibited in a major international exhibition within the Trieste Photo Days.

Le foto

Each author is free to infuse the works with his own stylistic code and to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to him. You can submit photos for multiple themes.
Le foto singole e/o i progetti/portfolio candidati devono essere ispirati a un tema a scelta tra quelli rappresentati dalle divinità Diana, Minerva e Cerere.
Single photos and/or projects & portfolios must be inspired by a theme chosen from among those represented by the divinities Diana, Minerva and Ceres.

To get inspired - the deities


The goddess who stubbornly remains a virgin, refusing sexuality and union with the male. Her realm is the mountains and natural spaces, where she makes happy raids together with the wild creatures of which she is protector and hunter at the same time. She therefore represents the dimension of nature as opposed to the civilized world of men.


She is the daughter of Zeus, and since her birth, which according to the myth takes place directly from the head of Zeus, she escapes the sexual dimension of procreation. She is a warrior deity, represented with a shield and spear, but at the same time she is the patroness of intelligence and the arts, and of all human activities that take place in the urban context.


The goddess of fertility, guarantees men the perennial renewal of the crops and the possibility of exploiting the earth's resources. She is the mother of Proserpina, a goddess who is kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld; for the pain of the kidnapping she causes a terrible famine that threatens to make men disappear, until Hades brings Proserpina back to earth, at least for part of the year, establishing the cycle of the seasons



The call is open to all and registration is free, as is participation in the project in case of selection. To submit photos, simply register or access the new Exhibit Around user area , select the call Mythography III and follow the procedure for  Single Photos  and/or  Projects/Portfolios .

Each author is free to infuse the works with his own stylistic code , as well as to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to him. It is possible to submit works for several themes .



Following a precise curatorship work, the  Best Photography  of the project and the Honorable Mentions will be selected .

The award event  will be held on the occasion of the Trieste Photo Days international photography festival in the presence of the special guest.

Best author and honorable mentions

The best author and the selected honorable mentions will be awarded during the Trieste Photo Days festival with a medal from Nino Migliori.

foto di sfera di vetro di fronte a ciliegi in fiore, open call fotografica



You may want to know...

A selection of the best photos could be exhibited in an international collective exhibition at the end of October 2023 as part of Trieste Photo Days 2023.

Is participation free?

Participation in the Open Call is completely free, as well as participation in the photographic exhibition and in the book.
We remind you that Exhibit Around is a social promotion association, therefore it is not for profit. Logistics, photo printing and exhibition organization expenses will be borne by Exhibit Around APS and dotART cultural association.

What technical characteristics must the photos have?

A candidate photo will be selected as the cover. Authors wishing to submit their photo explicitly for the cover should add the word "cover" to the name of the uploaded file.
Photos must not contain signatures, watermarks, watermarks or frames. Images must be in '.jpg' format and the color mode must be RGB. The size of the single file must be less than 9 MB while the dimensions required for the photos are:

  • minimum 2000px short side
  • maximum 6000px long side

The file name must not contain special characters but only letters and/or numbers.

Who owns the rights of the candidate photos?

Each photographer retains the moral and intellectual property rights on their works submitted for the call. Each author grants the Exhibit Around and dotART association the non-exclusive right to use the winning / selected images to promote and/or advertise the association's non-profit activities, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the 'Opera).