Open Calls for Entries - Photography Exhibitions and Photobooks


WOW – Worlds of Women

Full regulation

Open call

dotART cultural association together with Trieste Photo Days festival launches an open call for the new project WOW: Worlds of Women through the Exhibit Around platform. The call is open to everyone. Submissions to this Open Call are for free.


The call is open from January 27 to March 8, 2022 April 18, 2022 New Deadline!. To submit the photos you must subscribe to Exhibit Around’s user area, select the WOW call and follow the procedure for Single Pictures and/or Projects/Portfolios.
Those who have already participated in other Exhibit Around calls can access the user area with the same credentials.

Photographic volume

Only selected works will become part of a prestigious volume that will be presented at Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival (in late October). A selection of photos and/or projects will become part of the Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival catalogue.


The best photos will be displayed in an international collective exhibition at the end of October 2022, during Trieste Photo Days:

  • Venue: the “Sala Veruda”, in the heart of Trieste, Italy (or another prestigious location in the city center, such as the “Stelio Crise” State Library)

Photographers selected with more than one photo may also be exhibited as part of the Photo Days Tour (in Friuli Venezia Giulia region, at one or more prestigious locations to be defined). The aim is to make the WOW project a widespread exhibition.

Talks and conferences

The WOW project also includes a cycle of conferences, meetings and related events, aimed at promoting and presenting the book, the exhibition and the topics.

Selection and Fees

Only selected authors will be contacted by the Exhibit Around staff within April 2022 and will receive a publication & contribution request inclusive for all the above points to become part of the project and of the Exhibit Around circuit. Logistics, organization, print, merchandising, visual communication, transportation, setup and photo reportage of the events is made by our staff.
Authors published in the book will be entitled to a special discount valid for the purchase of 1 copy of the volume (no free copies are provided, unless otherwise specified). All authors will receive a digital copy of the book in pdf format, which will also be published on Issuu.


Exhibit Around will chose one Best Author among the Selected that will be awarded with:

  • A free stay of 3 nights in Trieste during Trieste Photo Days 2022 to attend the WOW presentation
  • Guest of honor at the Photographers Dinner during Trieste Photo Days 2022
  • A special trophy
  • 1 free copy of the book WOW
  • 1 free copy of Trieste Photo Days 2022 catalogue
  • 1 free entrance to a workshop/masterclass during Trieste Photo Days 2022 (to be defined)

Honorable mentions will be awarded with:

  • Guest of honor at the Photographers Dinner during Trieste Photo Days 2022
  • Medal
  • 1 free copy of the book WOW


Authors are free to infuse the works with their own stylistic code, as well as to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to them: portrait, street photography, social reportage, documentary photography, fashion photography, fine-art. Woman must be at the center of everything. The theme includes the female figure, motherhood, gender disparity, social struggles, non-conforming femininity, work, culture, art and all the photos capable of casting an original look at the life of women to the four corners of the world.
The aim of the project is to celebrate through photography the women and the values ​​expressed by International Women’s Day, which «commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women» (Wikipedia).


  • Each photographer can upload up to 20 single photos and up to 2 projects/portfolio with at least 3 to a maximum of 20 photos.
  • We accept both colour images and black & white.
  • Projects and portfolios may be accompanied by a brief description / presentation. Exhibit Around reserves the right to modify, edit and / or not publish it. The author’s name will always be present.
  • We will select one photo that will become the cover image and the official visual of the project. We invite therefore the photographers that desire, to entitle one of the candidate photos as “Cover book”. The ideal image for the cover is evocative, it well represents the spirit of the project and contains “empty space” for the insertion of the title. You can find some examples of cover photos here, here and here.
  • The photos must not contain signatures, filigrees, watermark or frames.
  • Participants will become members of the cultural association dotART for the entire 2022.

Upload Technical Specifications

  • Only .jpg format
  • RGB color
  • File dimension lesser than 10MB each
  • Smallest side minimum 2000px / longest side no more than 6000px
  • No special characters in the “filename.jpg”;


To make sure to have the right order of the Portfolio, please add to your filename a sequence number (e.g. filename03.jpg, 08filename.jpg, …).


The submitting photographer owns the copyright to all of his images. The photographer grants the association dotART a non-exclusive right to use winning images to promote/publicize the Call. The association dotART reserves also the right to use them within the scope of its own non-profit associational activities after sending an official communication to the author.
The Author, whose name will always be attributed to the work, maintains in any case his/her moral rights in regard to the work, in addition to the intellectual property rights to the same.