Open Calls for Entries - Photography Exhibitions and Photobooks

Photography clubs contest in italy

Photography Clubs Battle

A territorial photographic contest where the best photos of the FVG photographic circles will compete for the victory!
Clubs will select photos of their members creating a collective portfolio that will collide with the portfolio of rival clubs.
At the end of the voting, the best club will be awarded the prizes up for grabs.

Photography clubs contest in italy



Take Pictures

Take part in our photographic outings, the 24 HOURS of Photography, and photograph the cities of Friuli Venezia Giulia!


Upload your photos taken during the outing within 8 days on our user area and participate in the photo contest.


Each club will vote on the portfolios of the opposing clubs. The best club will win the prizes!


Take part in the Friuli Venezia Giulia photo contest!
Members of photographic clubs in the region who participate in the 24HOURS of Photography will be able to submit their photos in the portfolio of their club and lead it to victory!

Best portfolio

  • € 500,00 Amazon Gift Card
  • Original Photographic Books from Exhibit Around APS and CRAF worth € 500,00
  • Customized trophy
contest fotografico fvg

A special thanks to Circolo Fotografico Friulano and to Circolo Fotografico Ernesto Battigelli from San Daniele del Friuli for their contribute to the total value of prizes.

As part of the PixAround FVG 2022 call, the photographic circles involved in the 24 HOURS of Photography will compete in the Battle of Circles to compete for the "Best PixAround FVG 2022 Photographic Circle" prize.

At the end of each 24 HOURS, we will collect and send by email to each club all the photos taken by the respective members.

The clubs will have to select the photographs taken by their members during the outing and create a collective Portfolio of up to 12 photos dedicated to the specific city.

After that, each club must re-send the Portfolio to [email protected], complete with title and description.

Exhibit Around will collect all the Portfolios and will assign each club to vote for the Portfolios of the other clubs.

The winning Circle will be unveiled and awarded during the Trieste Photo Days.

IMPORTANT! Members of photographic clubs must report their membership of a club on the personal profile of the User Area