Open Calls for Entries - Photography Exhibitions and Photobooks

Mythography vol. III

Deadline 30th April 2023

Mythography vol. III

Full regulation

Open Call

The dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations, creators of the Trieste Photo Days international festival of photography, are launching an open call for the third volume of the Mythography editorial project. The call is open to everyone. Registration for the call is free.


The call is open from 1st April 2023 to 30th April 2023. To submit photos, simply register in the new user area on, select the Mythography III call and follow the procedure for Single Photos and/or Projects & Portfolios.

Mythography Book Series

The Mythography editorial project is a series of collective photographic volumes freely inspired by Greek and Roman mythology, which will be released annually, each dedicated to a group of deities who will represent the thematic guidelines of each book.
The Mythography III volume, due out in 2023, will focus on the figures of Diana, Minerva and Ceres, therefore respectively on the themes of Nature, animals and non-anthropised landscapes, generation and birth, lunar landscapes, arts and crafts, crafts; weaving and manufacturing of garments; products of human ingenuity; weapons and armies (not war reports), agricultural life, men and animals, famine, death and rebirth of vegetation; unearthly bliss.
The book will be edited and introduced by Enrico Medda, Professor of Greek Literature at the University of Pisa, who has already worked as a scientific consultant on the first and second volume of the series.

Photographic Volume

Only the selected works will become part of a prestigious printed volume that will be presented during the Trieste Photo Days 2023 festival (end of October).
A selection of photos and/or projects will become part of the Trieste Photo Days 2023 festival catalogue.


A selection of the best photos could be exhibited in an international collective exhibition at the end of October 2023 as part of Trieste Photo Days 2023.

Selections and Fees

Participation in the Call is free, as is the presence in the book in case of selection and participation in the exhibition at Trieste Photo Days.
Only the selected authors will be contacted by the Exhibit Around staff by September 2023. There are no contributions to expenses to become part of the project.
The authors published in the book will be entitled to a special discount valid for the purchase of 1 copy of the volume (free copies are not provided, unless otherwise specified).
All authors will receive the digital copy of the book in pdf format, which will also be published on Issuu.


Exhibit Around will choose the Best Author of the project and the Honorable Mentions among the Selected, who will be awarded with a medal during Trieste Photo Days 2023 (end of October).

Themes and Styles

The call is addressed to photographers interested in submitting single photos and/or projects/portfolios/series freely inspired by a theme of their choice among those represented by the deities of the Greek/Latin pantheon Diana, Minerva and Ceres:

  • Diana, goddess of hunting, moon, forest. Themes: Nature, animals and non-human landscapes. Generation and birth. Lunar landscapes.
  • Minerva, warrior goddess of war and patroness of intelligence and the arts. Themes: arts and crafts; handicrafts; weaving and dressmaking; products of human ingenuity; weapons and armies (not war reports)
  • Ceres goddess of fertility and agriculture. Themes: Agricultural life, humans and animals. Famine. Death and rebirth of vegetation; otherworldly happiness.

Each author is free to infuse his works with his own stylistic style, as well as to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to him. It is possible to submit works for more than one theme.


  • Each photographer can upload up to 10 single works and up to 1 projects/portfolios consisting of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 photos.
  • Members may enter up to 20 individual works while for projects/portfolios, Members may enter 3, Enthusiasts 4, Masters 5, LEGEND 10 for a maximum total of 20 photos.
  • The photographer must specify the theme of each photo and portfolio (Diana / Minerva / Ceres) selecting the tag.
  • We accept both colour and black and white photos.
  • Projects and portfolios may be accompanied by a brief description, which Exhibit Around reserves the right to modify, edit and/or not publish. The author’s name will always be present.
  • We will select a photo that will become the cover image and the official visual of the project. We therefore invite authors who wish to do so to name one of the candidate photos “Book cover”. The ideal image for the cover is evocative, represents the spirit of the project well and contains “empty space” for the insertion of the title.
  • Photos should not contain signatures, watermarks, or frames.
  • Please do NOT upload identical photos in the Portfolio section and in the Single Photos section (e.g. a Portfolio of 20 photos + the same 20 photos as 20 Single Photos). If necessary, you can upload a maximum of 1 or 2 representative photos of your portfolio in the Single Photo section as well.

Images Technical Specifications

  • Format .jpg
  • Colour method RGB
  • Individual files must be less than 9 MB each
  • Minimum size smallest side: 2000 px / maximum size longest side: 6000 px
  • The file name (filename.jpg) must not contain any special characters (accents, apostrophes, symbols, etc.)


Each photographer can upload up to 20 individual works and up to 3 projects/portfolios consisting of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 photos.
In the Portfolio section, to be sure that the order of the photos is correct, add the numbers in the desired sequence to the file name (e.g. “filename03.jpg”, “08filename.jpg”, …).


Each photographer retains the moral rights and intellectual property rights to his or her entries. Each author grants the dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations the non-exclusive right to use the winning/selected images to promote/publicise the non-profit activities of the association, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the work).