Open Calls for Entries - Photography Exhibitions and Photobooks

Trieste Audace

Deadline 30th April 2023

Trieste Audace

Full regulation

Open Call

The dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations, creators of the Trieste Photo Days international photography festival, are launching a new photography open call for the new Trieste Audace project. The call is open to everyone. Registration for the call is free.


The call is open from 1st April 2023 to 30th April 2023. To submit photos, simply register in the new user area on, select the Trieste Audace call and follow the procedure for Single Photos and/or Projects & Portfolios.

Photographic Volume

The best photos will become part of the Trieste Audace photographic volume of approximately 200-300 pages which will be presented at Trieste Photo Days 2023 (end of October).

In addition:

  • a selection of photos and/or projects will become part of the Trieste Photo Days 2023 festival catalogue
  • each participating photographer will receive 1 discount voucher to be used in PRE-SALE for the purchase of a copy of the book.


A selection of the best photos will be exhibited at Trieste Photo Days 2023 (October 27-29).

There are also plans to replicate the winning formula of Trieste in black & white and of Trieste, Past, Present and Future with a “widespread exhibition” in a circuit of venues in the city center around June.

Further details will be communicated in time and in this case:

  • only the selected authors will be contacted and will receive a request for a small fee
  • the exhibitions will be inaugurated with a “tour of the premises” in the presence of the authors and the public
  • there will be new prizes to claim

The prints of the photos will remain with the photographers.

At the end of the exhibition, it will be possible to collect the prints of your photos exclusively at the association’s headquarters by making an appointment and within a month of dismantling – (no shipments, no collections at the festival).

Selections and Fees

Participation in the Call is free, as is the presence in the book in case of selection and participation in the exhibition at Trieste Photo Days.

Instead, if the “widespread exhibition” is held in the month of JUNE, only the selected authors will be contacted by mid-May 2023 and will receive a application for a contribution to cover the costs of curating, logistics, organization, printing of photos, book, visual communication, transport, set-up and photographic reports (50 euros for exhibition + book, or 30 euros for a photo on display).

For projects (consisting of a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20 photos) there is a special discounted price, which will also include a free information panel on the project and the author.


The dotART and Exhibit Around APS association team will award the Best Author of the project and the Honorable Mentions with:

Best Author:

  • Guest of honor at the gala dinner on Saturday 28 October, with the super-guests of the festival
  • Photos on display at Sala Xenia, Trieste Photo Days headquarters, during the opening weekend of the festival
  • A selection of complimentary copies of Exhibit Around photo books
  • Medal

Honorable Mentions:

  • A selection of complimentary copies of Exhibit Around photo books
  • Medal

Themes and Styles

Each author is free to infuse his own stylistic code into the works, as well as to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to him.


  • We accept both color and black and white photos.
  • Projects and portfolios can be accompanied by a brief description that Exhibit Around reserves the right to modify, edit and/or not publish. The author’s name will always be present
  • We will select a photo that will become the cover image and the official visual of the project. We invite authors who wish to entitle one of the candidate photos with the words “Book cover”. The ideal image for the cover is evocative, well represents the spirit of the project and contains “empty space” for inserting the title
  • Photos must not contain signatures, watermarks, watermarks or frames
  • Please DO NOT upload identical photos in the Portfolio section and in the Single Photos section (for example: a Portfolio of 20 photos + the same 20 photos as 20 Single Photos)

Images Technical Specifications

  • JPG Format
  • RGB Color method
  • Individual files must be less than 10MB each
  • Minimum dimensions of the smaller side: 2000 px / maximum dimensions of the longer side: 6000 px
  • The file name (filename.jpg) must not contain special characters (accents, apostrophes, symbols, etc.)


Each photographer can upload up to 20 individual works and up to 3 projects/portfolios consisting of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 photos.
In the Portfolio section, to be sure that the order of the photos is correct, add the numbers in the desired sequence to the file name (e.g. “filename03.jpg”, “08filename.jpg”, …).


Each photographer retains the moral and intellectual property rights on their works submitted for the call. Each author grants the dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations the non-exclusive right to use the winning/selected images to promote/advertise the association’s non-profit activities, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the work ).